The issue 1-2 2018 of Costruttivismi has been published in December. It is a Special issue titled The case of Laura: Twelve perspectives compared. The issue is readable and/or downloadable at the URL
Uscito il numero 1-2 del 2018 di “Costruttivismi”
È uscito a dicembre il numero 1-2 del 2018 di Costruttivismi, un numero speciale dal titolo Il caso di Laura: dodici prospettive a confronto. Il numero è leggibile e o scaricabile all’indirizzo
George A. Kelly and His Personal Construct Theory
The ebook George A. Kelly and His Personal Construct Theory written by Gabriele Chiari under the auspices of the George Kelly Society is now published on the iBooks Store. It is available for free in ePub format (for iBooks on iOS and Google Books on Android) from the URL
The ebook of 64 two-column pages contains many pictures, including five unpublished photos of Kelly and his family.
A PDF format is also available at the URL The images included in galleries in the ePub format are shown separately in the PDF format.